The Department of International Relations and European Studies participated in the military and religious ceremonies, organized by the Prefecture of Bihor County for the independence of Romania, Victory Day and Europe Day. Alina Stoica, associate professor at the Department held a speech highlighting the significance of this day for Romania, in the national and international contexts.
Roundtable with the title: Achievements, Contemporary Approaches and Perspectives in the Evaluation of Cross-border Cooperation
The University of Oradea and the Institute for Euroregional Studies Oradea-Debrecen invites academics, researchers, policy makers, non-governmental organisation activists, journalists and doctoral students to participate in a two day roudtable debate , organized between the 6th and the 7th of June, 2017 at the University of Oradea, Romania. The roundtable debate will include three workshops with the following themes:
Achievements in the field of cross border cooperation
Contemporary approaches to cross boder cooperation evaluation
Perspectives of cross border cooperation evaluation.
For details, please take a look at the call for conference document.
Program of the International Conference The Evaluation of Cross-border Cooperation at the Frontiers of EU and other promotional materials
Please translate in en_gb: Programul conferinţei internaționale Evaluarea cooperării transfrontaliere în Europa