Adriana Popescu, International Relations Expert, SC Emsil Techtrans SRL Oradea


Adriana Popescu

International Relations Expert, SC Emsil Techtrans SRL Oradea

Adriana-PopescuI must confess that I am truly honored to describe in a few words how the quality of graduating the International Relations and European Studies specialization prepared me to face challenges and taught me to embrace opportunities. The foreign relations expert position held since 2012 in a Romanian company in Oradea is due largely to everything I met and I was offered within the aforementioned specialization, namely: knowledge, curiosity, enthusiasm, reliability or patience.

Licensing and then the entering into a new working environment made a challenge that must be faced constantly. At present, the foreign relations expert position highlights everything that incorporates the commercial relations field, from offer requests, supplying, acquisitions, offers, contracting, marketing projects and till to maintaining and developing relations with customers, collaborators. Just based on these considerations sincerely I believe that today I benefit from the contribution of International Relations and European Studies in my formation as a foreign relations expert.

The courses of this specialization I can say that they have a wide open view towards opportunities, towards the creation of spaces for action and towards the development of human personality. In this way, the curriculum of this specialization with all adjacent branches drew a clear vision over all the aspects regarding the understanding of nuances of inter-personal, intra-community and inter / intra-organizational relations. So, today, because of this situation, I can set priorities, undertake researches, perform analytical assessments, make decisions in different conditions of incomplete information, find solutions and especially I can work with specific terms. All in all, I can manage a wide range of issues. In addition, the skills and ability to present and support my views in an argumentative way, to amiable solve problems, to communicate and to negotiate various situations are undoubtedly other resources, opportunities of International Relations.

Therefore not casually, here was assured the development of the ability to work in a team, to maintain functional relationships of working, of cooperation in a multicultural environment. The capacity to work in a group, to interact with other media was supported by provided access to scholarships and internships that guarantees high quality specialization in various fields and the experience needed for employment. Last but not least, it must be considered the importance that is assigned to languages. I appreciate the access and the openness towards these because ultimately they mediate the dialogue, the cooperation, the mutual understanding and the accomplishments.

If I could sum up, I would say that International Relations and European Studies actually represent a real experience that changes perspectives and can open the door towards large opportunities. As a graduate of International Relations and European Studies I found that the value of this specialization lies in fact in the complexity and diversity of areas, topics covered and especially the trust that is transmitted in order to state later that we have the ability to change things.

Finally, I want to take this opportunity to point out that beyond the offered access to the theoretical and practical part, this would not be possible without the contribution of high quality prepared professors and therefore I wish to thank all the professors not only for teaching their courses, but for the involvement and dedication with which they deliver us a part of their knowledge.