The specializations that you can study in our departament are:
International Relations and European Studies (see details on the following page: Education->Undergraduate)
For further details please contact us at the following email address: The students that will assist you are:
- Coldea Dan Andrei (anul II)
- Panas Marius (anul II)
International Relations and European Studies in English (see details on the following page: Education->Undergraduate)
For further details please contact us at the following email address: The students that will assist you are:
- Flutur Aurelia (anul I)
- Butcovan Marisa (anul I)
- Strete Patricia (anul I)
Security Studies (see details on the following page: Education->Undergraduate)
For further details please contact us at the following email The students that will assist you are:
- Muț Mădălina (anul II)
- Suciu Dana (anul I)
- Tirla Tabita (anul II)