Please translate in en_gb: Studenții de la RISE pun întrebări candidaților la președinția Comisiei Uniunii Europene


The project of Maastrich University, entitled „The First European Presidential Debate” offers in this period to the young europeans the occasion to actively involve in the electoral process, which runs inside the European Union. The action has the support of 50 academic institutions, Romania being represented by the University of Oradea (Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Science and Science of Communcation) and University „Babeș-Bolyai” from Cluj-Napoca (Doctoral School of International Relations and European Studies). The candidates for the presidency of the European Comission, Jean-Claude Juncker (European People’s Party), Martin Schulz (Party of European Socialists), Guy Verhofstadt (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party) and Ska Keller (European Green Party) will respond to the European students questions, the main subjects being the unemployment, education and young’s implications in politics.

Within this project the students from IRSE formulated question and finally 5 base question concerning the European youth will be drafted and be addressed to the candidates during the transmission.

The debate will be broadcast live from 20:00 on Euronews and on-line on During the broadcast, users can post comments on Twitter and Facebook.