
last updated: 25-02-2014

Curriculum last updated: 02-04-2013
Bellow, there is a list of all the disciplines included in the curriculum of this specialization.

1st YEAR – 1st Semester

Compulsory subjects
Introduction in International Relations, Fundamental Discipline, 4 credits
Introduction in Political Science, Fundamental Discipline, 4 credits
The History of Political Ideas, Fundamental Discipline, 3 credits
International Law, Fundamental Discipline, 3 credits
Introduction in European Studies: European Idea, Fundamental Discipline, 4 credits
Informatics I, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits
English Language in the International Relations Field I, Fundamental Discipline, 3 credits
Field Application I, Fundamental Discipline, 2 credits
Specialty practice I, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits

Optional students
French Language in the International Relations Field I / German Language in the International Relations Field I / Italian Language in the International Relations Field I / Spanish Language in the International Relations Field I, Complementary Discipline, 3 credits

Complementary subjects
Sports I, Complementary Discipline, 1 credit

1st YEAR – 2nd Semester

Compulsory subjects
Theory of International Relations, Fundamental Discipline, 4 credits
Introduction in Anthropology, Fundamental Discipline, 4 credits
European Minorities and Border Identities, Specialized Discipline, 4 credits
World Economy, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
European Construction, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
European Regional Policies, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
Informatics II, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits
English Language in the International Relations Field II, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
Specialty practice II, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits

Optional students
French Language in the International Relations Field II / German Language in the International Relations Field II / Italian Language in the International Relations Field II / Spanish Language in the International Relations Field II, Complementary Discipline, 3 credits

Complementary subjects
Sports II, Complementary Discipline, 1 credit

2nd YEAR – 1st Semester

Compulsory subjects
History of the International Relations (XVII – XIX century), Fundamental Discipline, 4 credits
International Economical Relations, Fundamental Discipline, 4 credits
Concepts and Research Methods in Social and Political Sciences, Fundamental Discipline, 3 credits
Intercultural dialogue at frontier, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
British Culture and Civilization I, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
Webdesign, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits
Specialty practice III, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits

Optional students
Sociology of International Relations / International conflicts Analysis, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
Culture and society / Foreign and Common Security Policy, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
French culture and civilization I / Italian culture and civilization I / German culture and civilization I / Spanish culture and civilization I, Complementary Discipline, 3 credits

Complementary subjects
Sorts III, Complementary Discipline, 1 credit

2nd YEAR – 2nd Semester

Compulsory subjects
History of the International Relations (XX – XXI century), Fundamental Discipline, 4 credits
European Institutions and Politics, Fundamental Discipline, 4 credits
Negociation and mediation in International Relations, Specialized Discipline, 4 credits
British culture and civilization II, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
Multimedia, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits
Specialty practice IV, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits
Field Application II, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits

Optional students
Demographics and social security / Changing mentalities, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
The Philosophy of European Unification / Logic and argumentation in International Relations, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
French culture and civilization II / Italian culture and civilization II / German culture and civilization II / Spanish culture and civilization II, Complementary Discipline, 3 credits

Non-compulsory subjects
Sales techniques, Complementary Discipline, 2 credits
Expressions of the mass-media violence, Specialized discipline, 2 credits

3rd YEAR – 1st Semester

Compulsory subjects
International institutions and organizations, Specialized Discipline, 4 credits
European Union Law and Law of the frontiers, Specialized Discipline, 5 credits
Quality in the global context, Specialized Discipline, 4 credits
Management of the European projects, Specialized Discipline, 4 credits
Techniques for wording and presenting the dissertation, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
English Language applied in the public sphere, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
Specialty practice V, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits

Optional students
Techniques for International communication / Secretaryship and management assistance, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
French language in the publich sphere / Italian language in the public sphere / German language in the public sphere / Spanish language in the public sphere, Complementary Discipline, 2 credits

Non-compulsory subjects
European identity and citizenship, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits
History of minorities in Europe, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits

3rd YEAR – 2nd Semester

Compulsory subjects
Foreign policy and Diplomacy, Specialized Discipline, 4 credits
Democracy theories, Specialized Discipline, 4 credits
Governance of the European Union, Specialized Discipline, 4 credits
Introduction in Geopolitic, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
English language applied in business, Complementary Discipline, 3 credits
Specialty practice in the dissertation domain, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits

Optional students
The management of logistic and transport activities / The management of human resources, Specialized Discipline, 3 credits
Public Relations / Governance of the security, Specialized Discipline, 4 credits
French language applied in business / Italian language applied in business / German language applied in business / Spanish language applied in business, Complementary Discipline, 3 credits

Non-compulsory subjects
Publicitary campaigns, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits
Compared Politics, Specialized Discipline, 2 credits